Capturing every moment of your little one’s growth and development is a routine activity carried out by modern parents. Of course, the photos and videos that are made will not be separated from the decorations and properties used, so that the documentation obtained can be even funnier. The cute baby photos that you want to make will be better if done with a clear concept so that the results can be maximized. But how? You can ask Annie Kinser Photography.
Maybe you’ve seen various photoshoots done by professional baby photographers who use a lot of props and decorations. In addition to the right angle, the presence of this decoration is also very influential on the results of the photo. If you might want to try it yourself at home, here are some recommended angles and props that can be used to get your version of cute baby photos. Check this out!
The Combination of Giant Flowers and Little Ones
The first cute baby photo concept that you can use is a combination of a giant flower property made of soft cloth with your little one in the middle. This concept will make your little one look cute and adorable, like a little angel who has just been born into the world to spread happiness. Place a decoration with a giant flower shape, which is bigger than your little one’s body, then wrap your little one with a soft blanket of the same color and place your little one in the middle. Remember, the selection of good materials must be emphasized so that your little one does not experience irritation after the photo session takes place.
Sleeping on your stomach with a hat or bandana
You can use this concept to give the impression that your little one is asleep when showing a cute pose. Well, actually it was true that he fell asleep, but the pose was adjusted to make it look even more adorable. The property is also not too much, just ordinary clothes and head accessories in the same color. Position your baby’s body on his stomach on the bed with his hands as if supporting the cheeks. Then take a picture from the angle in front of the little one’s face, so that the funny face and peaceful expression appear when sleeping. Head accessories will strengthen the impression that your little one is sleeping while on the move.