Having a number of people in your network is likely to be such a good capital for you to start a business. You can promote your products or services to your circle firstly. Of course, it is supposed to be much easier for you to offer some products or services to your friends. The reason is that they really put their trust in you. Some of them even probably get interested in making an investment like what Alberto does. They believe that they will not get disappointed when they buy your products or services. If you have a number of people in your network, you can make a good start for opening your own business.
You can build your own team to run your business operation. In this case, you should ensure that people running your business operation are those that you convenient to work with. This is likely to be one of the advantages of running your own business. You are free to choose people in your team so that you must be able to lead your business conveniently. As you feel convenient in your working environment, you are going to feel like your life is full of happiness.
It is important for you to have a separate bank account for your business. With the separate bank account, it is much easier for your accountants to track all your business transactions. It is going to be a bit difficult to trace your business transactions if you do not have a separate bank account for your business. That is not such a good method to manage your business finance. Although your business is small today, you should try to implement this method from now on. In fact, bank records of your business transaction are data for your accountants that work to provide you financial reports.