In an era like this, many offices use rugs as a substitute for the base, because the rug makes comfort when walking, especially rugs made from thick. Office rugs need extra care because they are used with high intensity, so regular cleaning is needed with shorter ranges than home tapestries. Therefore, Carpet Cleaning near me is the right choice to take care of your office tapestries, so you can get rugs that are following company standards.
Office rugs consist of several types, but they all use materials or fabric threads consisting of nylon so that if the rugs are often passed through with a high level of activity, they will suffer damage.
1. Rugs with high intensity of use
Rugs with high use can be in the corridor, entrance or a place to go to the toilet, the location will certainly be traversed so as to make the fur on the rug will be damaged quickly and save a lot of dust or dirt and therefore this place or position must get special attention other than that, so it needs care using a vacuum cleaner, which aims to remove dust and smooth back fur on the rug.
2. Stain rugs
Often we see tapestries in the office a lot of stains such as ink, spills of drinks and even food spills at once, how to overcome the above is very easy if done with quick handlings, such as stains on ink affected rug ink stains must be brushed immediately can use water warm or stain remover detergent so that the ink does not long seep into the fabric fibers or threads, and for stains on food or drink can be immediately brushed using only water.
3. Avoid the appearance of fungus or bacteria
We never know whether a rug that looks clean does not store a lot of bacteria or fungus because some of the office space is closed from the entry of sunlight so that it is very easy for bacteria and fungus to be found in the fibers of the rug to avoid it. Bacteria because of rug washing certainly uses, shampoo, or chemical that can kill bacteria and fungi, but not all shampoos or chemicals have ingredients that can kill bacteria and fungi.