The Essence Of Prayer

Prayer is opening up before God. The development of interpersonal relations occurs when two persons who are interconnected are increasingly opening up to each other. Sharing yourself not only in terms of information and ideas but even more so share feelings, desires, values, beliefs, and hopes. This openness does not only happen to only two people but extends to others. The more open they are with each other, the more they accept other people as they are, responding and forming relationships with them positively and lovingly. Prayer for healing is one of the examples of openness where you put your trust in God to heal your sickness and illness also give you strength.

Such a thing also happens with God. The most essential attitude for people to pray is to immerse themselves before God, to the mystery of His total and unconditional love for humans – something that is not easily understood and accepted. This openness is a willingness to put our life and everything in their hands. Trustingly let God guide and shape us, without demands and conditions. Their openness to God brings us also more open to our neighbors. We can also say that our existence that is open to God will appear in the development of our openness to others who are around us.

Prayer means living with God who is near an open hand and mind. Many things in our lives that hold as in my fist, for example, as long as belonged to oneself, friends, ideas, principles, and self-image. Actually if opened my fist, all that remained with me, none of which fell from my hand, so I had to open my hand, and that’s the prayer, meanwhile, if I was willing to open my hand, God would come to greet us. He would look and look my hand to see what I had there. This is the essence of prayer. Maybe God took from us, and maybe also gave us something. Maybe no one can do this, but God might because He is God. We just need to open my heart and hands and stay there for as long as it is necessary for God’s presence.

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