The Relationship Between SEO and Website Speed

It has been a long time since Google announced that loading speed is a determining factor for the ranking of a website in search engines accessed via desktop devices. In 2018, the company expanded its application to mobile devices. No wonder many SEO practitioners and other internet users talk about this latest info in half of 2018. To get the best SEO service, you can trust

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How Does Website Speed ​​Affect SEO, SERP, and User Experience?
Google “forces” websites to get shorter loading times so that the user experience becomes better. If the speed decreases, the Google search system will give you a penalty. The position of the website pages will also decrease and the traffic you will get will also be less.

Websites that appear in the top position have better loading speeds than websites that are ranked tenth or websites that are displayed on the second and even third page of search engines. You can use a tool like GTmetrix to check how long your website takes to load. The description of website loading speed is not as simple as the concept above. Web performance is closely related to user behavior (site visitor behavior) and SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Website speed isn’t just about the numbers Google’s search algorithm uses to calculate page rankings. There are many things that affect SEO in terms of loading times.

In fact, understanding how Google works is simple. You type one or a combination of keywords into the search field, and a few moments later Google will display the most relevant search results. The main purpose of the search algorithm is to display search results that not only match the typed keywords but also answer the needs of the audience. Usually what appears in the top search results is the website with the best user experience. While websites that cannot guarantee user comfort and satisfaction will be penalized by Google.

The position and ranking of a website on Google have something to do with loading speed and time. Every website owner and manager must understand this. If the website tends to be slow, visitors will give a negative response and the bounce rate will increase. Google will also continue to analyze other aspects that make a website penalized, such as unqualified content and design and navigation that actually triggers visitor dissatisfaction.

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